Poster no: 3
Patient satisfaction with ultrasound-guided manual vacuum aspiration in the management of first trimester pregnancy loss
Dr. Olivia SY Chau
Poster no: 5
Dr. Ratkhiaber Asnawi
Poster no: 6
What is the Effectiveness on Pain Reduction and the Changes on Mode of Infant Feeding after Ultrasound Therapy for Lactating Mothers with Mammary Blocked Ducts?
Ms. Lai-Fong Ho
Poster no: 8
Acute Postpartum Psychosis in Puerperal Sepsis Patient (A Case Report)
Dr. Mohammad Syarif Hidayatullah
Poster no: 9
The impact of an elective single embryo transfer policy on the cumulative live birth rate and the multiple pregnancy rate of the first in vitro fertilisation cycle
Ms. Yeji Lim
Poster no: 10
Calycosin from Astragalus membranaceus is therapeutic and synergizes with Cisplatin against chemoresistant ovarian cancer
Mr. Mingo MH YUNG
Poster no: 11
Does progesterone as predictive for a successful pregnancy along all age groups in fresh in vitro fertilisation/ intracytoplasmic injection transfer cycles?
Dr. Patricia NP Ip
Poster no: 12
Restoring ovarian function by the treatment of ovary-derive cells
Dr. Yoon-Young Kim
Poster no: 13
Warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage: a case report and literature review
Dr. Libing Luo
Poster no: 15
Public fertility preservation service for cancer patients in Queen Mary Hospital
Dr. Dorothy TY Chan
Poster no: 16
Objective and subjective outcome and complications of mid-urethral slings (retropubic and transobturator) for female stress incontinence after follow-up of 10 years
Dr. Carina Kwa
Poster no: 19
Role of HPV E7/miR-143-3p/SH2D3A Pathway in Regulating the Occurrence and Development of Cervical Cancer
Dr. Meiyao Wu
Poster no: 20
Whole exome sequencing for detecting etiologies of non-immune hydrops fetalis
Dr. Chunchun Chen
Poster no: 21
Innovative Education Pathways: Navigating the Landscape of Complementary Learning in OBGYN Undergraduate Curriculum
Dr. Daniel Yim
Poster no: 22
Highest chance combined screening results are associated with chromosome and structural differences outwith aneuploidy and increased nuchal translucency
Ms. Yin-Kwan Mok
Poster no: 23
Tumor cell-derived CXCL10 triggers CD8+ T cell exhaustion in ovarian cancer
Ms. Runying LONG
Poster no: 24
Identification of PGM3 as a novel therapeutic target in ovarian cancer
Ms. Jiangnan He
Poster no: 25
Prediction of chemosensitivity to systematic treatments for ovarian cancer using patient-derived organoid models
Ms. Ruiqian Zhang
Poster no: 26
Characterization of the regulatory mechanisms associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis in facilitating ovarian cancer chemoresistance
Ms. Minjun HE
Poster no: 29
Surveillance Program for Gynaecological Malignancies in Lynch Syndrome Carriers - A Single Center Experience
Dr. Man-Yee Chu
Poster no: 31
Fetal hyperthyroidism with maternal hypothyroidism: two cases of intrauterine therapy and review
Ms. Lu Hong
Poster no: 32
Mr. Indra Mahyul
Poster no: 33
The evaluation of endometrial sampler SAP-1 in screening patients with general risk of endometrial cancer: a diagnostic test study
Dr. Hong Yu
Poster no: 34
Assessment of the prevalence of second stage Cesarean Section using a bubble chart
Dr. Catherine MW Hung
Poster no: 36
Investigation of Lactobacillus, Lactate, and pH changes in regulating Human Endometrial Receptivity and predicting Pregnancy outcomes
Mr. MANISH Kumar
Poster no: 42
Study on the Influencing Factors of Menstrual Changes of Female Medical Workers after COVID-19 Infection and Their Correlation with Psychological Status
Ms. Hong Li
Poster no: 44
Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance is not an independent predictor of incident dysglycaemia or metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a prospective observational study
Dr. Yu-Wing Tong
Poster no: 45
Treatment outcome of Cesarean scar pregnancy under a novel classification system - the modified Delphi method
Dr. Kar-Kei Yung
Poster no: 46
Shear-Wave Sonoelastography of the Cervix in Pregnant Patients at Term
Ms. Olena Getsko
Poster no: 48
Doctor. Are you sure my fibroid is not malignant?
Dr. Irene YN Hon
Poster no: 54
Enhance fertility
Dr. Thomas KT Li
Poster no: 56
Birth preference in Chinese women with Fear of Childbirth: A cross-sectional study
Dr. Theodora Hei Tung Lai
Poster no: 57
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), a retrospective clinical study from a tertiary center in China
Dr. Yuchun Zhu
Poster no: 58
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia in pregnancy: a little more than an exaggerated physiological response
Dr. Lee-Ting Kwong
Poster no: 60
Single-cell analysis reveals the potential existence of epithelial stem/progenitor cells in human endometrial organoid
Mr. Jianlin Li
Poster no: 61
Three-dimensional endometrial co-culture model incoporating endometrial glandular organoid for studying estrogen induceded-endometrial gland development
Ms. Xintong Li
Poster no: 67
Donor Human Milk Bank promote breastfeeding and Improving the Exclusive Breastfeeding in a Level III NICU : Experience From the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital
Ms. Ting Su
Poster no: 68
A report of two rare cases of ovarian immature teratoma-associated anti-NMDAR encephalitis in girls
Ms. Yuting Zhang
Poster no: 69
Serial Case Report : Protein S Deficiency in Pregnancy, What Best Management in Satellite Hospital?
Dr. Qurrata Akyuni
Poster no: 70
Hypoglycemia in oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy - a retrospective cohort study to evaluate maternal characteristics and neonatal outcomes
Dr. Vivian WY Ng
Poster no: 72
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in endometrial carcinoma
Dr. Hiu-Mei Luk
Poster no: 73
Perception and Acceptance of Virtual clinic and COVID-19 vaccine in pregnant women
Dr. Joan KO Wai
Poster no: 74
Multi-disciplinary planning and surgical treatment of intravenous leiomyomatosis - report of two cases
Dr. Tsz-Sam Hong
Poster no: 76
Cumulative live birth rates of three in-vitro fertilization cycles in a university-affiliated reproductive medicine centre in Hong Kong
Dr. Evelyn Wong
Poster no: 81
Association of baseline serum testosterone with ovarian reserve and responsiveness in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation
Dr. Rebecca SF Wan
Poster no: 82
A case of large fetal pericardial effusion managed by in-utero pericardiocentesis
Dr. Po-Lam So
Poster no: 83
Accuracy of a paperless electronic reporting system versus conventional paper reporting in an andrology laboratory in Hong Kong
Dr. Kevin KW Lam
Poster no: 85
Elucidating the Association between Sperm DNA Fragmentation and In-vitro Fertilisation Outcomes in the Hong Kong Population
Mr. Brayden KM Lee
Poster no: 87
Retrospective review on management of imperforate hymen
Dr. Yat-Ka Yeung
Poster no: 88
Neonatal outcomes of prenatally observed non-visualized cavum septum pellucidum
Dr. Jae-Yi Jeong
Poster no: 93
Selective fetal reduction in multiply pregnancy: when, why and which methods: clinical experience
Dr. David Davarashvili
Poster no: 94
A retrospective cohort study on using autologous iliotibial band for anterior vaginal wall prolapse
Dr. Mei-Chi Cheng
Poster no: 95
Management of ovarian cysts in pregnancy - 12 year review in a tertiary centre
Dr. Chun-Yin Ng
Poster no: 96
Successful prevention of recurrent gestational autoimmune liver disease by antepartum high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin - the first reported experience in a Chinese woman
Dr. Kar-Hung Siong
Poster no: 97
Health awareness and perspectives on expanded carrier screening among consanguineous couples in Hong Kong
Dr. Kar-Hung Siong
Poster no: 98
Accessory Cavitated Uterine Mass (ACUM) - a "missed" diagnosis? Report of two cases of diagnosis and management of ACUM
Dr. Francesca KY Lai
Poster no: 99
A retrospective chart review on management and outcome of patients with cardiac disease in Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. Kitty KW Ma
Poster no: 103
Management of Severe Hemolytic Anemia with Negative Coombs Test in Pregnancy: A Case Report
Dr. Vashti Saraswati
Poster no: 106
MicroRNAs in spent culture media as potential biomarkers for embryo quality and implantation
Ms. Shanshan Zhang
Poster no: 107
A randomized controlled study on the haemostatic effect of haemostatic sponge used in cervical biopsy
Ms. Hong Li